

More seasonal recommendations in Jiangsu

Water Charm of Jiangsu: Beautiful Encounter


Jiangsu province which borders on Shanghai has a history of thousands of years. The Yangtze River (the longest river in China) runs through the southern part of Jiangsu  reaching the Eastern China Sea whilst the magnificent Grande Canal runs from the north to the south, traversing all the east-west river system.


Water Charm of Jiangsu

You cannot miss its ancient water towns of quaint little bridges and flowing streams full of the mystery of its thousand-year history, the classical gardens of Suzhou, the stunning lakes and mountain scenery, the spectacular ruins this ancient capital has inherited. The scenery of Jiangsu is a stunning combination of the exquisite and the bold which cannot be missed. 

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                                     Zhouzhuang ancient town                                                                                                 night fall of Zhouzhuang ancient town

Water resources

Jiangsu boasts a dense network of rivers and numerous lakes. The Yangtze River runs over 400 km through the province from west to east while the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs 690 km from north to south The province also boasts more than 290 lakes including Lake Gaoyou, Lake Weishan and two of the top five freshwater lakes, Taihu Lake (太湖) and Hongze Lake (洪泽湖).


Taihu Lake


Grus japonensis in Hongze Lake

Forest resource

Vigorous management of forest protection has resulted in an ever increasing Jiangsu forest area. Popular forests include the Bamboo(宜兴竹海) forest park in yixing and Sun-yat-sens mausoleum (南京中山陵) in Nanjing.


Sun-yat-sens mausoleum in Nanjing


Bamboo forest park in yixing


Famous people

With it’s long history Jiangsu has a vast number of famous historical figures such as politicians, military experts, scientists and writers. Among them, the classics "the Water Margin" 《水浒传》, "journey to the west"》、《西游记》, "a dream of Red Mansions"《红楼梦》, are associated with Jiangsu.

Jiangsu is also the birthplace of many famous industrialists including one of the important founders of China’s national industry. Furthermore the province has produced famous scientists, painters and performing artists including the world-renowned figure of Beijing opera, Meilanfang. When we turn to modern history, some of the most influential figures in China’s revolution such as Premier Zhou enlai were also born and bred here. 

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                                        Journey to the west                                                       A dream of Red Mansions

Jiangsu specialty

Jiangsu Province with its vast plains, fertile land, is often referred to the  "land of plenty" in world history. Products include the 2000-year-old fine workmanship hand painted combs from changzhou(常州梳篦).Antique Clay teapots (紫砂壶) from Yi-xing and a delicate fine green tea (碧螺春)from Suzhou.

Nanjing the capital of Jiangsu province is famous for its Boiled Salted Duck which can trace back to hundreds of years, and the duck is fragrant, often crispy and not greasy.

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                                   Antique Clay teapots                                                                                            Green tea


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                                           Salted duck                                                                                                                          Small steamed bun